The Klatch is unlike any other online community. It is an effective, supportive, safe space thanks to strict adherence to these guidelines. Any posts that do not fall within these guidelines will be removed without warning. For everyone’s safety in service to the purpose of the Principles, more than one such post can and will result in immediate removal from the group. If you have any questions or need any clarification, shoot an email to support@strongcoffey.com
Facebook Klatching:
- Coffey starts new threads. Expect a new Principles-related post every morning.
- Comment on that day’s thread. When possible, relate your comment to that day’s theme (when possible, though you can talk about anything Principles-related, and explanations of how you played the PART are ALWAYS welcome). This keeps us all on the same page, and keeps people’s newsfeeds from blowing up with new threads.
- Speak about foods in a general way. Use terms like “good food,” “nourishing food,” or “P&V” (protein & veggies) to talk about foods you relate to in a healthy way, and “Monkey Brains” to talk about trigger foods.
- Talk about your daily goals, your healthy boundaries, make connections, and work the Principles in this safe space.
- No venting, griping, or complaining. If you share struggles or set-backs, it’s to talk about how you practiced the Principles around it. If you have to vent gripe, or complain, reach out to a friend, therapist, or someone else you trust.
Verboten (No-nos):
First, do no harm – to yourself or to others. This includes:
- No Food Porn. Just because it’s a food you relate to in a healthy way (say, nuts or fruit or quinoa) does not mean everyone does. Bringing up specific foods can make people question their decisions, make them wonder “Why can’t I eat that?” and think “Well, if everyone else in this group is eating XXX, I will, too.” Don’t fuel other people’s beasts. When in doubt, be vague and share very generally when it comes to food. Comments like these will be deleted immediately. (We’re here to focus on the caring response.)
- No trauma details / triggering. When in doubt, be vague and share very generally. As above, we’re here to focus on the caring Response and positive, reflective Talk after the fact. If you are in crisis or you need immediate support, reach out to a trusted medical or mental health professional.
- No naming your Monkey Brains. Not even if it’s to talk about your freedom from them. I use the term “Monkey Brains” because seeing the name of a trigger foods can, in itself, be a trigger. Keep it clean, folks. ‘Shit’ and ‘fuck’ are fine, ‘ice cr#*m’ is going too far. Whenever you talk about your trigger foods do use my fun catch-all (Monkey Brains). Comments like these will be deleted.
- No beast-speak of any kind (self-directed insults, self-doubt, etc), unless it’s a setup for the explosively positive, healthy, caring way you dealt with it / are dealing with it / are planning to deal with it (PART). Deleted.
- No self-sabotage. (No “So I’ve decided to eat Monkey Brains at Festivus…”). You betcha – deleted.
- No justification of unhealthy behaviors (No “I was gonna die if I didn’t eat something sweet, so I…”). It’s out.
- Nothing mean, disrespectful, judgy or the like. Nopester.
- No solicitation or advertising. This includes links to blogs, podcasts, and the like.
Comments that violate any of the above will be deleted without warning or explanation. Membership is at Coffey’s sole discretion, and can be terminated anytime without warning.
General Suggestions:
- ‘Like’ at will.
- Limit your exposure to the Facebook group if it feels overwhelming – this much honesty from this many people can be hard to handle, so set boundaries around it if you need to.
- Tag people when appropriate.
- Comment to share YOUR experience, to practice playing the PART, to deepen your relstionhsip to deep pleasures (Peace, Accomplishment, Comfort, and/or Empowerment), and to make connections.
- If it feels right, make one or two connections in the group. People who live close to you, who have similar circumstances, or whose posts you enjoy.Exchange messages privately. Be a support to one another outside of Facebook, by text or email. Use these guidelines in your relationship, to ensure you’re really helping one another, and not fueling each other’s beasts.
- Compile any questions that come up for you and email them to me at coffey@strongcoffey.com – I’ll try to address them during Q&As.
Membership in The Klatch and access to Insider materials (Q&A Archive, live monthly webinars, worksheets, handouts, bonuses, etc) is based on an active Insider subscription. Klatch membership and access to these materials terminate with subscription.
If you have any questions, or need any support whatsoever, email me directly at coffey@strongcoffey.com